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My first dream-vocation was working with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra for ten years, engaging to set up Germany’s first – Sir Simon Rattle inspired – music education department. Aiming to bring the music to the whole strata of society and allowing people to discover and share their own creative potentials and musicality, I witnessed how deeply music transformes and enriches people. The question of what exactly this power of music lies in never left my mind and I began to research it.

MUSIC was my door-opener and my way-shower… Above all, it was that inner voice calling me early on to the right places at the right time: years abroad within different cultures and countries, living in world metropolises and in the countryside, also visiting the poorest regions of the world. I was able to learn from Indian Paramahamsas, Mongolian shamans, Balinese healers, Dervish Sufi masters and Tajik Pamiri and explore how they use sounds, vibrations and frequencies for development and healing. Full of gratitude for such precious experiences, I have been dedicating myself to the field of Sound Healing & Coaching for over ten years. My main topics are: awareness, health, innovation, leadership, teamwork, awareness and change management.

It is my ongoing wish to create more awareness for the primordial forces of vibration and frequencies: through unusual connections between music & science, music & health and music & metaphysics. To make music an essential service.

My calling is to inspire you to truly draw on your inner potential, to live from your heart; To play from within your heart and lay your whole soul into your self-expression and Your sound.

My vision is to tune into a higher divine order, so that we can, through our very vibratory presence, become stronger conduits of harmony and love in this world.

Tuned for a better world